30 Jul Help Desk System – Mesa de Ayuda
MESA DE AYUDA Sistema Tickety Online (help desk support software) ¿Alguna vez ha pensado en dar soporte a sus cientes (interno -...
MESA DE AYUDA Sistema Tickety Online (help desk support software) ¿Alguna vez ha pensado en dar soporte a sus cientes (interno -...
Tecnología ERP Open Source - Al alcance de la Pyme. Vea sus características en https://www.burovaldes.com/erp/ - Usuario: demo - Clave: demo Resumen de la...
In this Business English vocabulary lesson, we’ll look at English vocabulary related to manufacturing. Companies manufacture goods in plants, or factories,...
In this episode of Video Vocab we’re going to look at basic vocabulary related to the law. This is the...
This is the second of a two-part series on the planning process. In this lesson, we’ll examine the implementation and review...
In this Video Vocab lesson, we’ll learn business English vocabulary for describing the supply chain, beginning with suppliers, who sell materials or...
In this Video Vocab lesson, we will repeat look at vocabulary and collocations related to sales management. A sales force...